No more angle

2011-05-21 20:58 | 作者:贝壳 | 散文吧首发

如果说你是一颗花园中的树,那么我愿是花丛中的一颗小草,去仰望你. If you were a tree in the garden, then I would like to be a small grass of the blossom, to look up to you.

我仰望你,用我满怀真诚的眼睛;Look up to you, through my eyes of sincerity.

我仰望你,带着一丝期待;Look up to you, with a flash of hope.

我仰望你,带我发自内心的呼唤。Look up to you, with the call from my heart.

我愿以小为伴,因为我想借它带我去接触你。I get close to the bluebird, hoping to get to you by her wings,

我不奢望接触你的脸,更不用说你的唇。I dare not to ask for kissing your face, let alone your lips.

那我的愿望是什么呢,只是想在你的肩停留片刻,仅此而已。All I want is nothing but a moment to stay by your shoulder.这是我对你仰望的尊崇。It is my admiration to you.

即使是小鸟带我的气息接触的你,我还是感到无比的幸福。I would feel the best happiness even though the bluebird had merely brought my smells to you.

我想唱出我内心的歌,你是我的敬…I want to sing out the song within, you are my lord and my love.

我不怕早带着寒意的风,肆意的拨动我的头发。I fear no cold breeze that come with the spring and fiddle with my hair.我依然仰起头,倔犟的表情在告诉它。之所以这样子是因为我要坚守我的信仰,那就是对你的仰望。I raised my head and say with my old pride:"I will never leave and quit my loyalty to you.

因为你是我所敬仰的…Because you are my lord and love.

你不会因为我的坚守而笑我吧,即使你说我是个不懂累是什么的傻瓜时。我也不会在意…Would you ever laughed at me for my holding on? It"s ok even though you see me to be a fool who knows no relax.

我也相信小鸟也会鼓励我,是的,它会的,我的真诚它看得见。I believe that the bluebird will be with me forever because she has witnessed my sincerity.

当然我更希望…我多么希望是如此… Of course I hope more, I hope it so.

你会发现我对你的仰望,而此时你可能会理解为仰慕,不过这也很合适。The day you picked my admiration to you. And then you may think it to be kind of worship.But it's still ok.

花丛带给空间昂然生机,我~就一颗小草,但我的脸也会因此泛起红晕只因你的怜爱,说我的傻小草。The blossom bring the zone a spring and I, is just a little grass.But still, I will blush for your mercy and your petting.

也许你还不知道吧,我因此将脸埋起来,幸福的笑着呢。You don't know me with my smileing face hidden.

和风吹过,就这样我和你交流着。你时不时会附身看看我细想些什么。然后也会沉思,很快你就会打破这样的局面。告诉我说世界真美好,你最真诚…The breeze kissed by and we are whispering. Sometimes you will lower down and try to read me out. Then you are in the meditation, so you will break then silence, saying to me "This world is so beautiful and you are the same.

此时的小鸟更是满脸笑意,我感谢它的善良愿意帮助我。Then the bird is on the high.I thanked her so, for her help.

做为我的崇敬者你也是不得不以不失你的绅士风度对于它略表敬意秋…As my gentle god, you have to salute to her.

这个能使我心寒的季节。还是不可避免的来了,就这样一天天,我忍受着枯黄的身体,虽然偶尔会有风霜,这远超过初春的寒冷,我依旧仰望着你。This cutting season finally reach with no compromise and day by day, I have been seeing my body withering away.Although the cold visits sometimes with less and less mercy, I still kept looking up to you. 我的敬爱。就这样一天天我枯竭下去,我流泪了,但我仍然相信你永远在这里只是来年我还可以看到你。My only one .So the sun leaves and the black falls, I weep. But still I believe you are here and we will meet in the next spring.

泪水肆意也无谓小鸟扑闪着翅膀飞进了巢曰,它的眼神流露出的是怜悯,仿佛在告诉我不要悲伤。你是最坚强的,我永远会帮助你。而此时的我再次倔犟的抬着泪流模糊的脸再看看你,你依旧高大,坚实。不像我…The teardrops is overwhelming and the bird flapped back to the nest and looking into me with compassion."Save the tears. You are the bravest and I will help on demand."She told me so.I tried again to raise my head and look up to you, with my weeping eyes.Your almighty, you never change, a far cry from this poor me .

我只喃喃说道下个美丽的季节我还是不变仰望你的姿态,依旧如初… I mutter that my gesture admiring you is also the one thing that won't change, in the next beautiful season.

…它最终会让我灵魂与肉体分离的。The winter, she will tear me up in the end.

它来了无情的使我的慢慢离开草丛,即使有多不舍,有多留恋,多痛苦…它最终使我飘然离开了花丛。She is over me and push me to leave, care none of my reluctance.

我的泪和肉体化做了草屑…但我的灵魂飘浮于任何地方,但无论如何都离不开一个地方,那就是我眼睛向往的地方,我的敬爱他永远在的地方,我的眼睛永远向往的地方…I am gone. But wherever my spirit go, my eyesights are fitted to where you are. You are my destination.他永远在的地方…他永远在的地方…

春去秋来,我都忍受了。冬去春来是我现在所最期盼的,我敢保证无论多坚难,只要我能仰望你… 无论季节如何变幻都不改变我仰望你的姿态,其实我都忘了问自己,是以多少度仰望的他?I swallow the changeable seasons. And this change is now what I am up to.I promise to look up to you despite any barrier. Seasons come and leave, witnessing my looking up to you unchangeable. Actually, I forgot the angle of my looking.

春季是二分之一百八十度;One hundred and eighty, in the springs.

季是二分之九十度;Ninety, in the winders.,

秋季就是再倔犟还是低于二分之九十度;我可能泪流满面了,很伤心…In the autumns not less than half of ninety, maybe I can't help my sorrow,, finally.

冬季,我说不出了是多少度,但我依然以自己能望到你的姿态,用眼睛寻找,只因我倔犟的姿态没有变。In the winters , I couldn't figure, but still I was looking for you with my stubborn eyes.

我想问,你是不是很孤单。我果真是这样我希望我的泪水能温暖你的手心,如果允许的话请让我靠着你的肩吧,虽然只是我的灵魂。我也会很安心的。Are you lonely? I asked so. If only I could warm you up with my teardrops. Let me lean on your shoulder, if possible..

这也是冬天的仁慈所在,他能够让我靠近你。It's the mercy of the freezing winters to let me close to you.

此时安心的我用去想仰望你时的度,此时我完全忽略了,就这一刻我不再流泪,然而这时的度,成了我用这个姿态仰望你时,忽略的度。This moment I can ignore my angle and I hope to be frozen in this gesture.

靠着你的肩我可以侧面或慢慢正视你的眼,此时我不流泪了,我是多么的高兴。Leaning on you, I can stop my tears and looking into your eyes, so happily.

即使再怎么幸福的眼泪,我都不我都不敢让它流下来,怕它给我对你的仰望产生一个度,使我不能够忽略去它。I hold my tear even though it's one drop of happiness.

而我也只想微笑着看着你的眼睛,额头…我完全忽略了仰望你时的度,那就是一分之零度。我的敬爱你知道我做到这有多辛苦吗?I asking for nothing but looking into you., your eyes, you forehead, and you . Have you ever known how long I had gone to this point of admiration and love?

一分之零度.No more angle……
