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〖潇湘系列〗My pet

2012-07-09 作者:梦幻紫馨15人读过 相关作文我来投稿

I like my pet very much. Do you know why ? Because it isn’t any trouble. It is one of the important resons.Icalled it LuLu. I think LuLu is a good name. It is always very quiet. In fact, it is a goldfish. My pet looks like an egg. Is it interesting? It doesn’t need a bed or a basket. It just needs some water. It never bark or miaow. Just bubble, bubble, bubble. When it hungry, it will swim quickly. Do you want to have it? I never put my goldfish in the sun. It doesn’t like swim in the sun. It eats little food so I don’t need to feed it much. It likes eating peas ,I think. When I put some peas into the water, it always swims happier than usual. My goldfish is my very best friend. When I am not happy or angry, it opens its eyes wide and looks at me. Then I feel happy. Is it amazing? I’ll look after him until the end. Oh, I have to feed it now, bye!

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