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My classmate

2012-05-14 作者:思思22775人读过 相关作文我来投稿

I have a good friend.Do you know her?Let me tell you.She's Xu Wenjing.She's twelve years old.She's short,but she is thin.She has two big black eyes and a small mouth.She studys in Class 1 Grade 6 Shi Yan primary school.We are in the same class.

She has a deskmate.His name's Chen Kangwei.He's a clever boy.He's a new student in our class.His Chinese and Maths are very well.All the teachers like him very much.

They're very friendly.They never fight.They often learn each other.They are good deskmate.

Look!They're my classmates.They zre good deskmate in our class.Do you know them now?

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