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My family

2012-02-16 作者:LIUQINQIN35人读过 相关作文我来投稿

My family

Everyone has a family .There are three people in my family.My parents and I .My parents are teachers.They work very hard.They are good teachers.Many student like them.What’s my mother hobby?My mother loves reading very much .When I have some question ,I always ask my mother .My father's hobby is watching TV .My father loves watching TV and gets on the Internet.He gets more informatation by TV and Internet.I don't have any brother or sister .My parents have one daughter :me!

I study very hard st school ,So my parents are proud of me and my hobby is reading and singing.When I have time.I always read something and speak to my friend.

This is my family,I love my family!翻译:





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